Setup Doconut in .NET 6

Startup.cs file

Within the Startup.cs file of a .NET Core project, these lines of code define a middleware pipeline configuration using the MapWhen method.

The provided predicate checks if the incoming request path ends with "DocImage.axd". Inside this block, the UseDoconut method is called with a DoconutOptions object as an argument.

  context => context.Request.Path.ToString().EndsWith("DocImage.axd"),
  appBranch =>
      appBranch.UseDoconut(new DoconutOptions { UnSafeMode = false, ShowDoconutInfo = false });

Add Doconut Namespaces

In your project, add the following usings:

using Doconut;
using Doconut.Configs;
using Doconut.Formats;
using Doconut.Clouds;

Instantiate Viewer object

This line instantiates a new instance of the Viewer class, allowing you to create a viewer object within your code.

var docViewer = new Viewer(_cache, _accessor, licenseFilePath);

Setup a DocOptions object

Per example, this line initializes a new PdfConfig object named "config" with specific configurations for handling PDF documents.

var documentOptions = new DocOptions
Password = "",
ImageResolution = 200,
TimeOut = 30

Setup a config object

Per example, this line initializes a new PdfConfig object named "config" with specific configurations for handling PDF documents.

var config = new PdfConfig { DefaultRender = true, ExtractHyperlinks = true };

Open your document

This line invokes the "OpenDocument" method of the viewer object, passing the path of the document file located on the server and the previously configured PdfConfig and DocOptions objects as parameters.

var token = docViewer.OpenDocument(pathToFile, config, documentOptions);

Add the viewer in your HTML

<div id="div_ctlDoc"></div>

Add the following javascript files in the page. These scripts are included in the ZIP file with code samples.

<!-- Main Viewer Related Scripts -->
<script src="scripts/splitter.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/docViewer.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/documentLinks.js"></script>

<!-- Viewer functions -->
<script src="scripts/docViewer.UI.js?v=1"></script>

Add Licenses to Your Project

Automatic License Detection

Doconut can automatically detect licenses if they are placed within the project's wwwroot folder.

To initialize the docViewer with automatic license detection, use the following line:

var docViewer = new Viewer(_cache, _accessor);

Add Manual Default License

You can manually specify the path to a single default license file when initializing the viewer.

var licenseFilePath = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "path/to/your/license");
var docViewer = new Viewer(_cache, _accessor, licenseFilePath);

Add License by Stream

This method uses the Viewer.DoconutLicense(Stream licenseStream) overload to add a license using a stream.

using (var licenseStream = new FileStream("path/to/your/license", FileMode.Open))

Add License by XML Document

This method uses the Viewer.DoconutLicense(XMLDocument licence) overload to add a license using an XML document.

var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

Manual Default Multiple Plugin Licenses

If you need to specify multiple licenses, you can provide a list of file paths to the viewer initialization.

List<string> licenseFilePaths = new List<string>
    Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Doconut.Viewer.lic"),
    Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Doconut.Viewer.Annotation.lic"),
    Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "Doconut.Viewer.Search.lic")
var docViewer = new Viewer(_cache, _accessor, licenseFilePaths);

Add Plugin License by Stream

This method uses the Viewer.SetLicensePlugin(Stream pluginLicence) overload to add a plugin license using a stream.

using (var pluginLicenseStream = new FileStream("path/to/your/plugin-license.lic", FileMode.Open))

Add Plugin License by XML Document

This method uses the Viewer.SetLicensePlugin(XMLDocument xmlPluginLicence) overload to add a plugin license using an XML document.

var pluginXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

Necessary NuGet Packages for .NET 6 or Higher

To ensure your project is fully compatible with .NET 6 or higher, the following NuGet packages need to be included, listed in alphabetical order. These packages provide the necessary libraries and tools required for the application's functionality:

  • MessagePack - Version 2.5.140
  • Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical - Version 8.0.0
  • Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing - Version 8.0.0
  • System.Formats.Asn1 - Version 8.0.0
  • System.Numerics.Vectors - Version 4.5.0
  • System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs - Version 8.0.0
  • System.Text.Encoding.CodePages - Version 8.0.0
  • System.Text.Encodings.Web - Version 8.0.0
  • System.Text.Json - Version 8.0.3

Render Configuration Options

You can configure the rendering behavior using the following options:

  • CadConfig: Used for DWG, DXF, and DGN files.
  • EmailConfig: Used for EML, EMLX, and MSG files.
  • EpubConfig: Used for EPUB files.
  • ExcelConfig: Used for Excel and CSV files.
  • MhtConfig: Used for MHT files.
  • PptConfig: Used for PowerPoint files.
  • ProjectConfig: Used for MPP files.
  • PsdConfig: Used for PSD files.
  • TxtConfig: Used for TXT files.
  • TiffConfig: Used for TIFF files.

The render options are configured using the DefaultRender property:

  • DefaultRender = true : This option offers higher quality rendering but uses more server memory and processing time.
  • DefaultRender = false : This option provides faster rendering at the expense of slightly reduced quality. It optimizes processing time and memory usage.

Example usage:

var config = new CadConfig { DefaultRender = false }; // or true

How To Add An Image Annotation

To add an image annotation to a document, use the provided code in C# or JavaScript:

In C#:

  1. Open the document and get the dimensions of the first page.
  2. Initialize the AnnotationManager with the page dimensions.
  3. Create an ImageAnnotation, setting the image path in imgUrl, and specify the position and size within Rectangle.
  4. Add the annotation to the manager and load it in the document viewer to display.
var token = docViewer.OpenDocument(pathToFile, config, documentOptions);

var firstPage = docViewer.GetThumbnailDimensions(1, 0, 100, false);
var pageWidth = firstPage.Width;
var pageHeight = firstPage.Height;

using (var annMgr = docViewer.GetAnnotationManager(pageWidth, pageHeight))
    string imgUrl = "img/sample.png";
    var imgAnn = new ImageAnnotation(
        new Rectangle(600, 700, 750, 300),


In JavaScript:

  1. Ensure YourController is available.
  2. Create a new ImageAnnotation, setting the image path with SetNote.
  3. Add and paint the annotation to render it on the document.
function ImageStamp() {
    if (null != objctlDoc.YourController()) {
        var objStampImage = new ImageAnnotation({ left: 200, top: 200, width: 260, height: 55 });
        objctlDoc.YourController().AddAnnotation(null, objStampImage, null);


Custom Fonts in Word documents

The FontFolders property in the WordConfig class specifies custom directories where the application will search for fonts. This is particularly useful for processing Word documents that rely on fonts not installed in the system's default font directories.


To configure custom font folders, assign an array of fully qualified folder paths to the FontFolders property of a WordConfig instance:

                                var config = new WordConfig
                                FontFolders = new string[] { "C:\\CustomFonts", "D:\\SharedFonts" }

Download Required CSS and JS Files

To ensure Doconut functions properly, you need to include specific CSS and JS files in your project. You can download a ZIP file containing all the necessary files using the link below: